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Breast Lift

Breast Lift

A breast lift can renew your figure with a breast profile that’s younger and uplifted. A woman’s breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These changes and loss of skin elasticity may result from:

Breast Lift Candidates

You may be a candidate for breast lift surgery in Turkey if:

Breast Lift Recovery

During your breast lift recovery, dressings or bandages are applied to the incisions after the procedure is completed.

You’ll have to wear an patch or supporting bra to reduce swelling and support your breasts as they heal.

What is Breast Lift?

For many women, sagging breasts are a cause for concern. Breasts can often lose their frequency, shape, and erectness.

Surgery is usually performed on patients who are satisfied with breast size but have sagging breasts.

Wrapped breasts are a decent candidate for breast lift surgery. With the pen test, you’ll tell if you would like a breast lift operation. within the pen test, place one castle horizontally under your breast. If that pen doesn’t cave in, you wish your breast lift operation.

If you wish your breasts to appear fuller, you’ll be able to consider the breast lift operation.

Before The Surgery

Before breast lift operation, a exam is performed by the doctor. during this examination, factors like patient’s expectations, breast condition, age are going to be evaluated. Detailed information about the operation are given. Necessary tests are applied. Information about the patient’s health history also are going to be obtained. If the patient’s health condition is suitable for surgery, the operation phase is started.

Rules to be followed the operation:


Breast Lift Surgery

In order to realize the simplest result, the doctor and also the patient settle on the technique to be applied to the breast lift operation. operational, sagging breast tissue and nipple are reshaped. The nipple are going to be dropped at the position it should be.

Breast lift and breast augmentation are recommended if you would like your breasts to seem fuller; If you wish smaller sized breasts, breast lift and shrink surgery are preferred.

The operation are performed under anesthesia.

The duration of the operation is 3 hours on the average.

Healing Process After The Surgery

  1. It is generally easy after breast lift surgery.
  2. If breast prosthesis was employed in the operation, it’s natural to experience a restriction in arm movements for some days.
  3. The wound are going to be checked by opening the bandage 2 days after the operation.
  4. The bandsge is removed 1 week after the operation.
  5. The patient should wear a sports bra for about 4 – 6 weeks. This bra reduces the pain of the patient.
  6. Post-operative swelling is also seen. you will experience pinkish discoloration of the skin and numbness within the nipple. of these side effects disappear in a very short time.
  7. Depending on which kind of labor you are doing, you’ll be able to usually return to your work life within 3-4 days.
  8. Edematous breast swells after surgery. It takes a median of 8 – 10 weeks for the breasts to require their final shape.
  9. Heavy sports shouldn’t be in dire straits about 3 months.
  10. Surgeries are long-lasting surgeries. Breast lift operations with permanent results are an operation that improves the patient’s mood and helps to extend self-confidence.

You can contact us to get more detailed information about the Breast Lift successfully performed in Este Pearl and to learn the prices of BREAST LIFT. We will be happy to answer your questions.