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Hair Simulation – Hair Shading

Hair Simulation

Hair Simulation – Hair Shading could be a non-surgical method of alopecia baldness removal. during this method, real hair roots and hair structures are imitated by applying epidermal micropigmentation to areas with baldness .

Hair Shading is certainly not a hair transplant method. However, it can give excellent results when used as a complementary method after hair transplantation. The foremost successful results are generally seen in people with very short hair structure. It’s also very effective in solving regional hair problems like ringworm. In hair transplantation , the specified density can’t be reached thanks to the insufficient donor area, it helps to get a more frequent appearance by applying the hair simulation process.

The duration of the hair simulation application depends entirely on the dimensions of the hair gap. The littlest spans take half-hour, while the biggest span or complete tightening can take up to five hours. However , alittle touch-up procedure will provides a healthier result after the pigments settle completely 1 week after the hair simulation process.

Norwood Scale

Hair simulation process is completed with special devices different from tattoo devices. It should be worked with individual and disposable sterile needles and in a very sterile environment. The sterility of the environment shouldn’t vary from hair transplantation. The simulation process will be applied after hair transplantation or hair transplantation is performed on a hair- Shaded area.

After the procedure, the patient can return to his everyday life completely. Additionally, unlike hair transplantation, the hair may be washed with a warm shower the identical day.

Its permanence is up to three years in direct proportion to the standard of the pigment materials used. Pigments of this quality are completely biological and don’t cause any harm to human health.

Are Hair Simulation , Hair Pigmentation , Hair Tattooing Different Methods?

No, all of them are literally different names of the identical method given by different practitioners. Hair Simulation , Hair Pigmentation , Hair Tattoo are the identical applications.

Is Hair Simulation a painful procedure?

Before the hair simulation process, the scalp is numbed with local creams specially produced for this job. However, some pain could also be felt betting on the sensitivity of the scalp skin of the person .

Can hair transplant be done again after hair simulation?

Yes, Hair Shading isn’t an obstacle to hair transplantation. additionally, the hair simulation process doesn’t cause hair loss within the transplanted hair.

Can I have a shower on the identical day after the Hair Simulation procedure?

It is okay to require a shower with warm water.

How can someone who contains a hair simulation experience problems after the procedure ?

After the hair simulation , a small swelling may occur on your scalp for the primary 1-2 days. In 1 week, crusting and shedding may occur within the application areas.

These shells should definitely not be removed. it’s inconvenient to remain under direct sun or move to the solarium for 4 weeks after the appliance . If you’re visiting stay under the sun, it’s recommended to wear a hat.