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How Many Grafts Can Be Transplanted in One Session

The graft is the name of the area where a small amount of skin is also located along with the hair follicles. There are approximately 2-3 hair follicles in a graft. For example, 2000 grafts mean 4000-6000 hair follicles. Before a hair transplant, the graft calculation is made by the doctors and it is determined how many grafts the person needs. Then, grafts are taken from the donor area located behind the head, between the two ears, to meet this amount and transferred to the areas needed.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is the process of transplanting strong hair follicles taken from the donor area to the area with sparseness or baldness. With the development of technology and the invention of new devices, it was ensured that patients obtained more natural results in the early 1990s.
Today, success rates are quite high in hair transplantation with the right techniques. However, the number of grafts to be transplanted during the process is also very important. The procedures performed on the patients are calculated as the fue cost per graft, for example. Therefore, the more graft you need, the more fee you will pay will increase accordingly.

What Determines How Many Grafts are Needed for a Hair Transplant?

This calculation is usually made on the basis of the number of grafts needed by the patient. Your doctor determines the amount of graft to be transplanted during the procedure according to your baldness rate. The graft is the name of the area where a small amount of skin is also located along with the hair follicles. There are approximately 2-3 hair follicles in a graft. For example, 2000 graft hair meaning 4000-6000 hair follicles.

How Many Grafts Are Required?

The quantity of grafts required for a smooth result varies by patient. Everyone has a varying type of hair, and each situation of baldness is unique. While some organization pays only 2000 grafts, others may necessitate up to 7000. However, moving that many implants in a single evening is not advised, especially if the number is in the 7000 graft range.

The Number of Grafts Performed in a Single Session.

As previously stated, the figures vary depending on the patient. However, moving more than 3000 grafts in a single session is not recommended. The goal of FUE hair transplantation is to achieve the best cosmetic results possible. It is not a race to see how many grafts you can plant. The first session is a big step in spreading the grafts evenly. Its goal is to give the patient’s hair a uniform appearance. The second session, on the other hand, is for increasing density.

Pushing the limits in terms of the number of grafts in hair transplantation operations can have negative consequences. Too many grafts can harm the patient’s scalp. Any scalp injury will slow the growth of the grafts. It may also cause the grafts to pop up, reducing growth. Planting an excessive number of grafts also results in longer operation times. This can be a problem. As operations take longer, the risk of grafts expiring rises.

It’s understandable to want the best results possible. More grafts, however, do not always imply better results. The importance of planning in achieving the best results in hair transplantation cannot be overstated. Before the operation, your doctor will provide you with the best possible design. However, the clinic where you choose to have your hair transplant is critical at this point. If your doctor is willing to push the numbers just because you want them to, you should reconsider having your surgery there.

How Many Hair Grafts Will I Require?

As mentioned above, a surgeon will first access your hair loss and a few other factors before being able to determine the number of hair grafts you will require for a successful hair transplant procedure.

The number of hair grafts you need will depend on the following factors:

1. The size of the balding area that needs to be covered

The number of hair grafts required will largely depend on the size of the bald area that the patient is looking to address. The bigger the size of the area, the larger the number of grafts will be required.

2. The extent of hair thinning

Your hair type and extent of your hair thinning may determine the number of grafts required to make your hairline look natural. Hair loss is progressive and currently cannot be cured completely. Therefore hair restoration procedures must consider the current and future extent of hair thinning for best results. Session

3. Quality of hair in the donor area

Hair grafts are extracted from the donor area, which is usually the back of the head, and transplanted onto the balding area. Therefore, the quality and quantity of the donor hair is an important factor to consider. If your donor hair is dense and thick, the number of grafts required may be fewer.

4. Type of hair restoration surgery opted for

As mentioned above, the maximum grafts that can be transplanted by FUT are 4,000, while by FUE, a maximum of 2,000 grafts can be transplanted. Therefore, the hair transplant technique that you select is crucial in determining the number of grafts required.

5. The budget of the patient

Our team of experts at ensures that the patient’s budget is kept in mind while guiding them with the most suitable hair transplant treatment options, further determining how many hair grafts they will need.