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What is Abdominoplasty, How is applied, Who is applied to?

What is an Abdominoplasty?

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is an operation to remove excess skin from the lower abdomenWho Would Benefit from an Abdominoplasty?
During pregnancy the abdominal skin is expanded often producing stretch marks. This skin does not always fully contract back to its original shape after childbirth. The amount of excess skin remaining depends on a number of factors including the size of the baby and number of pregnancies. It is often worse after a caesarean section as the resultant scar remains fixed in place producing an overhang of the skin above this.

Are there Different Types of Abdominoplasty?

Yes. This depends on the amount of excess skin. A mini-abdominoplasty is used when this is relatively minor; a full abdominoplasty is required to achieve a flat stomach when there is a greater amount of loose skin. At your complimentary consultation Mr Richards will be able to discuss which procedure is best for you. He will show you pictures of patients who have had similar procedures and if you wish put you in contact with them so you can get a first hand account of what is involved.

What is the Scarring Like?

To get the best result a scar across the lower abdomen is required. The location of this scar will be discussed with Mr Richards in your consultation. Generally a low scar is preferred as this can be kept within the area covered by underwear and swimsuits. All scars go through a red phase before becoming pink and with time usually settle to a silvery grey line.

How long Would it take me to Recover?

This depends on the individual and the type of operation. Most people are back to relatively normal activities within 2 weeks and can return to work. If your job involves lifting it is advisable to leave this for 3-4 weeks following the operation.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) For Men

They feel “fat” or “unhealthy” and are embarrassed about how they look. This can effect relationships and self-esteem. Unsuccessful dieting only makes them feel worse. Male abdominoplasty, also called “male tummy tuck,” is a common procedure that can reduce the size of a protruding belly by removing excess skin and tightening the muscles in the midsection. Tummy tuck surgery, for many men, can deliver a flatter, tighter, more aesthetically appealing abdominal contour.

Benefits of the Tummy Tuck for Men

Frequent or dramatic changes in weight can cause the abdominal muscles to weaken, the skin to sag, and stretch marks to appear. In many cases, however, simple aging is the primary reason behind the flabby midsection that is the source of frustration and disappointment for many men.
As we age, fat redistributes itself to the abdominal area. For many men, exercise alone cannot produce the slim, fit, and youthful looking result they desire. Male tummy tuck surgery (or male abdominoplasty) can improve the appearance of the abdominal region through the removal of excess skin and tightening of the abdominal muscles. For the best results, male abdominoplasty should be teamed with a balanced diet and regular exercise. A common and highly successful procedure, tummy tuck surgery can create a tighter, flatter abdominal area for men, as well as provide a boost in confidence and a new, more youthful contour.
Abdominoplasty may be combined with other procedures such as liposuction of flanks, back and extremities, body lifts, gynecomastia treatment, and/or facial surgery. The results of these procedures are spectacular for many people, as they greatly improve overall appearance and self-esteem.
You may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty if you have one or more of the following conditions:
excess or loose, sagging abdominal skin.

Consult with your primary physician before any procedure to make sure you are a good candidate.