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Everything to Know About a FUE Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of the most commonly used methods. The FUE hair transplant technique is easier and less painful compared with the other methods: For this reason, people who want to undergo a hair transplant operation prefer this method.
Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is a method of extracting the hair follicles from the donor area such as the arms, legs and chest, and usually the back of the head.

What is FUE and what kind of procedure does FUE have?

FUE hair transplant surgery is a very popular surgery today and is preferred by many patients. Instead of the classical technique of FUT (or Follicular Unit Transplantation), where a strip of skin is removed to collect the grafts, FUE grafts are made directly from the scalp. The most important factor in choosing the FUE technique is that it leaves no visible marks and provides natural-looking results.

As the first step in FUE hair transplant surgery, groups of 1-4 hair follicles, commonly known as grafts, are manually removed one by one and placed in a storage solution. Then, when the extraction phase is completed, the doctor opens the channels using micro blades. These channels opened by the doctor are the holes or slits where the grafts are placed. After the channels are opened, the doctor removes the grafts from the solution and implants them in the recipient area.

Patients who have completed FUE hair transplant surgery may notice the first results about two months after the transplant. On the other hand, for more noticeable growths, it usually becomes more noticeable after six months and full results usually appear 12-18 months after the procedure.

It can be said that the most obvious advantages of FUE hair transplantation are faster recovery time and less discomfort since there are no stitches. For this reason, FUE hair transplantation is the more preferred procedure because it promises better results, less pain/discomfort, no scarring and more effect.

Fue hair transplantation can last a lifetime, so regardless of FUE or FUT, the most important point in hair transplantation is to maintain the characteristics of donor hair follicles and ensure healthy growth.

How FUE works

Each of the hairs on your head begins in a follicle in your scalp. With FUE, our goal is to remove healthy individual follicles from areas on your scalp where you have enough to spare and transplant them into areas where your hair is thinning.

Older techniques for hair transplantation involved removing strips of your scalp with the hair follicles in them and then grafting them into areas where coverage is thin. This technique was effective, but the results were often patchy and scarring was an issue.
With FUE, we extract only the follicle using a micropunch, leaving no trace of the extraction behind.

What is the difference between FUE and FUT?

The difference between FUE and FUT is that during follicular unit transplantation (FUT) the surgeon removes an entire strip of donor skin from the back of the head and extracts the hair follicles from this strip. However, in FUE, the individual follicles are taken directly from the scalp.
In FUT, the entire strip of the hair is harvested in one go and then dissected into individual follicles later. This leaves a very distinctive and noticeable linear scar along the back of the head.

During FUE, groups of between one and four hairs are individually extracted from the scalp and transplanted to the new area of the scalp, trying to mimic the pattern of the hair that used to grow there. This leaves little to no noticeable scarring on the scalp.

When it comes to recovery time, there is also a noticeable difference between FUE and FUT. In FUE hair transplants, there is minimal bleeding, and recovery is usually complete within seven days with almost no side effects. However, during FUT, as an entire strip of the scalp has been excised, it often takes weeks for the scars to heal over.

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The FUE technique of harvesting hair exposes hair follicles to little damage. This means that the hair follicles will have a high survival rate. DHT is the hormone that leads to hair loss in male pattern baldness. Hair follicles harvested from the donor area, which is usually at the back of the scalp, are unaffected by DHT. Therefore, hair growing from this hair follicle will not thin anymore.

Their three-phase cycle of growth and regrowth reduces as you grow old. It will reduce until hair follicles no longer grow hair.

The process is not the same for everyone. While some people begin balding in their twenties, others will start balding much later in life.

FUE hair transplants are meant to replace old follicles allowing hair to grow from the newly implanted hair follicles.

Blood vessels will start nourishing the new hair follicles prompting them to grow new strong and thick hair, getting rid of balding.

Targeted Areas for FUE Hair Transplant Most people who undergo the FUE hair transplant procedure do it to restore hair on their scalps. However, this hair loss treatment anywhere else that’s supposed to grow hair and does not. The FUE hair transplant can also be done in the beard area, public areas, chest, and arms.

What to expect after a FUE hair transplan

Recovery from FUE is quick. You may have some swelling or discomfort for about 3 days.

Here are some aftercare instructions your doctor may give you: