
Things to think about After Hair Transplant

  • Since the hair can’t be fully attached to their new places after hair transplant, care should be taken to not take any blows on the transplanted areas during this process. every week after the operation, the hair starts to carry on to their places.
  • There may are some pain within the first night after hair transplant. For this, it’ll be sufficient to use painkillers given by the doctor.
  • Swelling, mild pain and itching could also be felt after hair transplant. Thier effects are going to be gone with the medication and products that may be provided by the doctor.
  • Itching after hair transplant operation is a sign of recovery. However, transplanted areas shouldn’t be itchy during this process. If itchy, the hair follicles transplanted here may break and die.
  • Burning sensation could be a condition encountered within the donor area some days after the transplant. you’ll reduce this sense by using the products provided by your doctor.
  • within the first days after the operation should be lying on the rear and no contact should be made to the transplanted area.
    during this process, smoking and alcohol should be avoided.
  • After the operation, I should avoid stressful and heavy sports for 1 month. However, you’ll be able to take light walks that may not tire you and can not cause you to sweat.
  • After hair transplantation, you must protect your hair from direct sunlight. For this, you’ll be able to wear a soft hat on your head.

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